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A call for refining the role of humic-like substances in the oceanic iron cycle ArchiMer
Whitby, Hannah; Planquette, Helene; Cassar, Nicolas; Bucciarelli, Eva; Osburn, Christopher L.; Janssen, David J.; Cullen, Jay T.; González, Aridane G.; Völker, Christoph; Sarthou, Geraldine.
Primary production by phytoplankton represents a major pathway whereby atmospheric CO2 is sequestered in the ocean, but this requires iron, which is in scarce supply. As over 99% of iron is complexed to organic ligands, which increase iron solubility and microbial availability, understanding the processes governing ligand dynamics is of fundamental importance. Ligands within humic-like substances have long been considered important for iron complexation, but their role has never been explained in an oceanographically consistent manner. Here we show iron co-varying with electroactive humic substances at multiple open ocean sites, with the ratio of iron to humics increasing with depth. Our results agree with humic ligands composing a large fraction of the...
Tipo: Text
Ano: 2020 URL:
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The GEOTRACES Intermediate Data Product 2017 ArchiMer
Schlitzer, Reiner; Anderson, Robert F.; Dodas, Elena Masferrer; Lohan, Maeve; Geibere, Walter; Tagliabue, Alessandro; Bowie, Andrew; Jeandel, Catherine; Maldonado, Maria T.; Landing, William M.; Cockwell, Donna; Abadie, Cyril; Abouchami, Wafa; Achterberg, Eric P.; Agather, Alison; Aguliar-islas, Ana; Van Aken, Hendrik M.; Andersen, Morten; Archer, Corey; Auro, Maureen; De Baar, Hein J.; Baars, Oliver; Baker, Alex R.; Bakker, Karel; Basak, Chandranath; Baskaran, Mark; Bates, Nicholas R.; Bauch, Dorothea; Van Beek, Pieter; Behrens, Melanie K.; Black, Erin; Bluhm, Katrin; Bopp, Laurent; Bouman, Heather; Bowman, Katlin; Bown, Johann; Boyd, Philip; Boye, Marie; Boyle, Edward A.; Branellec, Pierre; Bridgestock, Luke; Brissebrat, Guillaume; Browning, Thomas; Bruland, Kenneth W.; Brumsack, Hans-juergen; Brzezinski, Mark; Buck, Clifton S.; Buck, Kristen N.; Buesseler, Ken; Bull, Abby; Butler, Edward; Cai, Pinghe; Camara Mor, Patricia; Cardinal, Damien; Carlson, Craig; Carrasco, Gonzalo; Casacuberta, Nuria; Casciotti, Karen L.; Castrillejo, Maxi; Chamizo, Elena; Chance, Rosie; Charette, Matthew A.; Chaves, Joaquin E.; Cheng, Hai; Chever, Fanny; Christl, Marcus; Church, Thomas M.; Closset, Ivia; Colman, Albert; Conway, Tim M.; Cossa, Daniel; Croot, Peter; Cullen, Jay T.; Cutter, Gregory A.; Daniels, Chris; Dehairs, Frank; Deng, Feifei; Dieu, Huong Thi; Duggan, Brian; Dulaquais, Gabriel; Dumousseaud, Cynthia; Echegoyen-sanz, Yolanda; Edwards, R. Lawrence; Ellwood, Michael; Fahrbach, Eberhard; Fitzsimmons, Jessica N.; Flegal, A. Russell; Fleisher, Martin Q.; Van De Flierdt, Tina; Frank, Martin; Friedrich, Jana; Fripiat, Francois; Froellje, Henning; Galer, Stephen J. G.; Gamo, Toshitaka; Ganeshram, Raja S.; Garcia-orellana, Jordi; Garcia-solsona, Ester; Gault-ringold, Melanie; George, Ejin; Gerringa, Loes J. A.; Gilbert, Melissa; Godoy, Jose M.; Goldstein, Steven L.; Gonzalez, Santiago R.; Grissom, Karen; Hammerschmidt, Chad; Hartman, Alison; Hassler, Christel S.; Hathorne, Ed C.; Hatta, Mariko; Hawco, Nicholas; Hayes, Christopher T.; Heimburger, Lars-eric; Helgoe, Josh; Heller, Maija Iris; Henderson, Gideon M.; Henderson, Paul B.; Van Heuven, Steven; Ho, Peng; Horner, Tristan J.; Hsieh, Yu-te; Huang, Kuo-fang; Humphreys, Matthew P.; Isshiki, Kenji; Jacquot, Jeremy E.; Janssen, David J.; Jenkins, William J.; John, Seth; Jones, Elizabeth M.; Jones, Janice L.; Kadko, David C.; Kayser, Rick; Kenna, Timothy C.; Khondoker, Roulin; Kim, Taejin; Kipp, Lauren; Klar, Jessica K.; Klunder, Maarten; Kretschmer, Sven; Kumamoto, Yuichiro; Laan, Patrick; Labatut, Marie; Lacan, Francois; Lam, Phoebe J.; Lambelet, Myriam; Lamborg, Carl H.; Le Moigne, Frederic A. C.; Le Roy, Emilie; Lechtenfeld, Oliver J.; Lee, Jong-mi; Lherminier, Pascale; Little, Susan; Lopez-lora, Mercedes; Lu, Yanbin; Masque, Pere; Mawji, Edward; Mcclain, Charles R.; Measures, Christopher; Mehic, Sanjin; Barraqueta, Jan-lukas Menzel; Van Der Merwe, Pier; Middag, Rob; Mieruch, Sebastian; Milne, Angela; Minami, Tomoharu; Moffett, James W.; Moncoiffe, Gwenaelle; Moore, Willard S.; Morris, Paul J.; Morton, Peter L.; Nakaguchi, Yuzuru; Nakayama, Noriko; Niedermiller, John; Nishioka, Jun; Nishiuchi, Akira; Noble, Abigail; Obata, Hajime; Ober, Sven; Ohnemus, Daniel C.; Van Ooijen, Jan; O'Sullivan, Jeanette; Owens, Stephanie; Pahnke, Katharina; Paul, Maxence; Pavia, Frank; Pena, Leopoldo D.; Petersh, Brian; Planchon, Frederic; Planquette, Helene; Pradoux, Catherine; Puigcorbe, Viena; Quay, Paul; Queroue, Fabien; Radic, Amandine; Rauschenberg, S.; Rehkamper, Mark; Rember, Robert; Remenyi, Tomas; Resing, Joseph A.; Rickli, Joerg; Rigaud, Sylvain; Rijkenberg, Micha J. A.; Rintoul, Stephen; Robinson, Laura F.; Roca-marti, Montserrat; Rodellas, Valenti; Roeske, Tobias; Rolison, John M.; Rosenberg, Mark; Roshan, Saeed; Van Der Loaff, Michiel M. Rutgers; Ryabenko, Evgenia; Saito, Mak A.; Salt, Lesley A.; Sanial, Virginie; Sarthou, Geraldine; Schallenberg, Christina; Schauer, Ursula; Scher, Howie; Schlosser, Christian; Schnetger, Bernhard; Scott, Peter; Sedwick, Peter N.; Semiletov, Igor; Shelley, Rachel; Sherrell, Robert M.; Shiller, Alan M.; Sigman, Daniel M.; Singh, Sunil Kumar; Slagter, Hans A.; Slater, Emma; Smethie, William M.; Snaith, Helen; Sohrin, Yoshiki; Sohst, Bettina; Sonke, Jeroen E.; Speich, Sabrina; Steinfeldt, Reiner; Stewart, Gillian; Stichel, Torben; Stirling, Claudine H.; Stutsman, Johnny; Swarr, Gretchen J.; Swift, James H.; Thomas, Alexander; Thorne, Kay; Till, Claire P.; Till, Ralph; Townsend, Ashley T.; Townsend, Emily; Tuerena, Robyn; Twining, Benjamin S.; Vance, Derek; Velazquez, Sue; Venchiarutti, Celia; Villa-alfageme, Maria; Vivancos, Sebastian M.; Voelker, Antje H. L.; Wake, Bronwyn; Warner, Mark J.; Watson, Ros; Van Weerlee, Evaline; Weigand, M. Alexandra; Weinstein, Yishai; Weiss, Dominik; Wisotzki, Andreas; Woodward, E. Malcolm S.; Wu, Jingfeng; Wu, Yingzhe; Wuttig, Kathrin; Wyatt, Neil; Xiang, Yang; Xie, Ruifang C.; Xue, Zichen; Yoshikawa, Hisayuki; Zhang, Jing; Zhang, Pu; Zhao, Ye; Zheng, Linjie; Zheng, Xin-yuan; Zieringer, Moritz; Zimmer, Louise A.; Ziveri, Patrizia; Zunino, Patricia; Zurbrick, Cheryl.
The new IDP2017 is a significant improvement over the earlier IDP2014 and roughly doubles the number of included cruises, stations, samples and parameters. The IDP2017 is a truly international product containing data from 326 researchers from 25 countries. The IDP2017 provides data for the Pacific Ocean, and the Mediterranean and Black seas, in addition to Atlantic, Arctic and Indian Oceans that were already represented in the previous data product. For the first time, the IDP2017 contains significant amounts of biogeochemistry data as well as TEI data for aerosols and rain. As before, users can obtain complete IDP2017 data sets as bulk downloads. Alternatively, there is now a customisable online data extraction service that allows data selections by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: GEOTRACES; Trace elements; Isotopes; Electronic atlas; IDP2017.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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